These are very yummy! My mom told me how she ate them at my sil's house. I"m not sure if this recipe is exact, but this is how I make them. Very easy, especially if you have leftover chicken.
3 oz cream cheese
3 Tablespoons melted butter
2 cups cooked, chopped chicken
1/4 teaspoon each of salt and pepper
2 Tablespoons milk
1 Tablespoon chopped onion
1 8oz can refrigerated crescent rolls
Place all ingredients except crescent rolls into a mixer (I use the kitchenaid) and mix well.
Open up the rolls and spoon mixture into 2 triangles - don't separate into triangles. Instead, pinch the creases together before placing the filling in the middle. Pull up top left corner, then bottom right and pinch together. Do the same with the two remaining corners and try to pinch all together so no filling oozes out.
Bake on un-greased cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
Hey! My wifey's recipe made your blog!
Sure did:) Tell her thank you very much! She's the one that started it all:)
Well actually.......I had made this recipe years ago and got it from Gail Pilmore. I had totally forgotten about them until Melissa made them so I got out my recipe again and have been making them periodically. YUMM!!!!
Mmmmmmm...... I miss these now I have to try and make them on my own :(
wish you lived closer so we could trade meals again:(
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